Bassin du fleuve Niger : inondations dévastatrices à Malanville, où sont passés les milliards investis ?

The city of Malanville, Benin, located at the border of Niger, has suffered annual flooding since 2007, leading to the destruction of homes, economic loss, and fatal casualties. Despite funding worth billions from international projects seeking solutions to curb the environmental damage, their efforts have yielded minimal results. The flood victims do not benefit from prevention measures, flood protection infrastructures, or efficient early warning systems. Deforestation, driven by agricultural activities and climate change, contributes to this flood menace. The report suggests the building of a 100 km long dike, alongside collaborative efforts with Niger, as potential lasting solutions to the flood crisis.

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« 2023 sera une année charnière du PIDACC au Bénin » WOROU WARA Adamou, Coordonnateur National du PIDACC/BN au Bénin

Nombre de vues : 438 Renforcer la résilience des écosystèmes et des populations affectées par le changement climatique dans le

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